Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Teachers at MK Schools: The "Forgotten" Missionaries

Before you take offense to the title above, please read the whole blog. Missionary teachers who serve in MK (Missionary Kid) or TCK (Third Culture Kid) international schools are often overlooked and their call is seen as being "second class."
The fact is, raising support to go teach children from the same culture that one comes from, does not come across as being "adventurous" or "romantic" or whatever adjective that one might want to assign to missions. Churches sometimes are reluctant to support missionary teachers, defining a "real" missionary as one who goes to work with a people of a different culture. So on top of everything else, raising adequate support is many times more of a challenge for these missionaries than those doing other types of ministry.

But rest assured, that without these missionary teachers serving in MK schools all over the world, many missionary families would not be on the field.

All MK schools that I know of are crying for teachers. Most of the schools require their teachers to raise all or most of their support, including travel. On top of that, they also may have to pay full tuition for their own kids' education.
As a mission organization, our first priority is to recruit teachers to address the education needs of our own MKs. Currently we have two schools where we have families: Christian Academy of Guatemala and an MK international school in Central Asia (name withheld for security reasons). The security reasons have to do with the fact that this school is located in a limited access country where traditional missions is not permitted.

We also have a relationship with Faith Academy in The Philippines. Faith is the largest MK school in the world and has a rich history of serving the entire region of Southeast Asia, both as a boarding school and a day school for students living nearby.

We are open to building relationships with other MK international schools around the world, and as the Lord expands our ranks and we open up new fields of service, I'm sure this will become a reality.

I invite you to pray with us about this need. Share this vision with teachers you know that may be considering a call of missions on their life. Pass this news along to young people in college studying to be teachers. We need them! God needs them!

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